The site https://zinsa.com (hereinafter the ‘Web Site’ or ‘Site’) is an informative web page operated by the company ZINC INDUSTRIAS NACIONALES S.A., identified with RUC No. 20100015014, whose address for notifications is AV. NESTOR GAMBETTA NRO. 9053, constitutional province of Callao and department of Lima (hereinafter “ZINSA”).
Access to and use of this Web Site is governed by the “Terms and Conditions” described below, as well as by the legislation applicable in the Republic of Peru. Consequently, all visits and all documents obtained from this site, as well as their legal effects, shall be governed by these rules and subject to this legislation.
It is a requirement for accessing the technical information on the website the acceptance of the Terms and Conditions described below. Any person who makes a technical query on the website or tries to contact through the website, declares and acknowledges, by the fact of sending the query, that he/she knows and accepts each and every one of the Terms and Conditions described below. The Terms and Conditions will be understood to be known and accepted by the mere fact of registering to contact the sales area or requesting the sending of technical information to your personal or corporate email.


ZINSA may update and/or modify these Terms and Conditions without prior notice. For this reason, we recommend that you review the Terms and Conditions each time you use the website, as the applicable version will be the one published at the time of consultation.
We will make our best efforts to ensure the uninterrupted availability of the services of this website, as well as the absence of errors in any transmission of information that may occur. However, due to the very nature of the Internet, it is not possible to guarantee such extremes.
Also, access to the services of this website may occasionally be suspended or restricted for the purpose of carrying out repair or maintenance work, or the introduction of new products or services. We will endeavor to limit the frequency and duration of such suspensions or restrictions.


The Web Site is directed only to the public that is of legal age regardless of its geolocation according to the Peruvian legislation in force.
The following are the Terms and Conditions:


The registration of the data of the person who wishes to be contacted or needs to be sent technical information, will be verified by completing and subscribing to the form that appears on the site and its subsequent sending, which is done automatically by “clicking” on the respective element. The data required for registration are the following: First Name, Last Name, Email, Type of Document, Document Number, and Cellular Number. To access the user’s registration, you must accept the terms and conditions of the website.
The user will enjoy all the rights recognized by the corresponding legislation in force in the territory of Peru, and also those granted in these terms and conditions.


All our users enjoy the rights recognized by the Peruvian legislation on consumer protection, according to Law No. 29571 -Code of Protection and Defense of the Consumer-, and on personal data protection, according to Law No. 29733 and its Regulation (Supreme Decree No. 003-2013-JUS). The latter includes the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition (ARCO Rights).


In the information content offered by means of this site, the offering company will inform, in an unequivocal and easily accessible manner, the information on the products it manufactures and the technical material it disseminates.